My short Stories


a true story.

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It turns out that the many demonstrations around the country against the Indonesian failure to honour the East Timor independence vote were attracting crowds of between 500 and 1500 people in this country, Australia.....the media reports for this particular rally however put the crowd variously  at 20,000 , 30,000 and 100,000 with no particular explanation.It was just stated as a matter of fact.The true number was 30,000.
 This story  occurred on 11th September can look it up on the net under  East Timor Rally Sydney.
At that time Indonesian soldiers were on a deliberately planned rampage to destroy East Timor after the overwhelmingly sucessful Independence vote.... whilst the rest of the world including politicians stood by allowing it to happen expecting and accepting the worst.
This is what happened.
1200 people, certainly no more, gathered in Sydney for a protest march. Like the previous marches in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and other capital cities of Australia, the numbers reflected also the apathy of the community generally to this vile injustice which seemed to be crowning the twenty five year, 300,000 martyr cost, of East Timor's struggle for independence.
I was in the crowd.
The march did an almost complete circle  through the city. On the
third leg, the widest street in the city an extraordinarily large contingent, given the size of the march which was similar to the others held around the country, of the  international and national media was present  with their cameras spread out  almost across the full width of the  street, a third of the way up the hill, preventing our progress temporarily -presumeably for a panoramic photo shoot, including video film of the marchers as they first descended then ascended Bridge St according to the lay of the street.
The streets were deserted on that weekend and there were no one to join in the march.
I reached the cameras and came to a halt like everyone else...I was very near the cameras. I looked around - and was in awe of what I was seeing.....from wall to wall, this extensive street was packed with 'people' all the way back to the end... and still they kept coming around the waves.... walking casually and with ease and casually dressed, not even looking at each other, one row at a time as they came around the corner, but managing to keep a perfectly straight line as they did so, seemingly without any effort on their part whatsoever....wave after wave of these perfectly straight lines like the second hand of a clock tracing a 90 degree arc...and there was a power, a spiritual power which you could feel with each wave, it was powerful, yet measured, which overcame you, with each wave. As I turned away they were still coming. A figure of thirty thousand came to mind. (Years later I did an estimate using the estimated width of the road, wall to wall of the buildings either side of it, the distance back to the start of the street and allowing so much for each person and the result was exactly 30,000!
I did not see any females, from memory. I say from memory because I did not specifically think about it at the time.
Where did they come from?
Where did they go?
At the end of the march where more speeches were given in a mall there were even less than the original estimated 1500 that we started with, (about half). Amazingly, no one seemed to notice that the 30,000 had now disappeared!
Back to the beginning of the story - I checked the reaction of others near me at the first sight. The person standing next to me first, near the cameras, one of the original marchers, and when he turned his jaw dropped in total awe; and yet seeming acceptance, despite incomprehension. And so likewise others, they were overcome at the sight.
These people appeared only for the cameras ....whose pictures went out across the globe with lightning effect  - sparking a reaction which cannot be explained.
The Australian Prime Minister who had heretofore said the relationship with Indonesia was very important and must be preserved, had a complete turnaround  - saying words to the effect "to hell with the relationship". or "bugger the relationship" - or some such  expression;  and began mobilizing Australian troops to head to East Timor, which led and composed most of a UN force onto the island, again, at vitually lightening speed. They met with NO resistence from the rampagers and pillagers who suddenly withdrew.
Bill Clinton , the then President of the United States threatened to collapse the Indonesian economy through a withdrawal of International loans if they did not back off.....this was unprecedented in International relations.
Meanwhile back at the march I knew these 30 thousand did not come from nowhere and immediately suspected they were angels. To test this I immediately decided to zero in on just one to find his reaction. An angel even in a crowd of 30,000 becomes immediately aware when some has focussed on them -  I found this out from experience.
At the  front  of the 'battalian', peaceful as it was, right near me were roughly, although I didn't count them seven obviously superior beings ( I am speaking in a spiritual sense and cannot elaborate much further ) to the rest, and of equal rank amongst themselves. They were in a row and in front of the rest but not separated from them by any distance.. I could see with my minds eye or spiritual eye that they were deprived temporarily of their normal glory....and wings.
I decided to pick someone else out of the crowd to look at and as my eyes were heading in his direction the Spirit of God asked me to look at some else instead so I cast my eyes in the other direction as led by the Spirit and they alighted on another.
The response was instantaneous,full of love,  wholehearted and true. He looked at me, after a very short time of appraisal as to who I was, and there was an exchange of a personal nature.
Years later I was to discover that it had  been St Michael. He was not near and he was not with one of the seven, but he was obviously superior to the whole assembly, spiritually in power, in strength and energy. He looked to be in intense prayer with some angels around him, who seemed very happy, joyful at this, when my eyes first alighted on him. This was unusual as the others were not so engaged, indeed there was a 'rumble' of indiscernable but enthusiastic and intriguing chatter, although again it seemed subdued  and/or measured.
I also temporarily caught the attention of one of the seven who were very near. I believe they were archangels and they were very similar to each other and I have little clue which was which.
I am guessing not without  reason that the one whose attention I had caught  was St Raphael. This has been since pretty well confirmed as he is a healing angel.
 I had prayed at the beginning of the march for God's intervention to save East Timor,and with all my heart, and several people who I didn't  know heard my prayer and  joined me, repeating the very same prayer; I knew then that God would save East Timor as I quite distinctly remembered Christ's words to his Apostles  " "Amen again I say to you , if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they ask, it shall be done for them by My Father in the  Heavens." ( Mathew 18; 19.) 
 I knew that this was also dependant on that prayer being wholehearted.
I would like somehow for East Timor to know at whose hand  they were saved in that time - the angels.  That they may give thanks to God, and invite the hand of God to once again take control of their nation - and for it to become a great nation, as the people so deserve.
 I would like a shrine in East Timor to be built to honour the angels.
And I would like America to seize the moment and know that ....  whenever two or more are gathered to  pray, whatever they ask,  will be granted.
Footnote. It is interesting to note that there is mention in the Old Testament somewhere, of 30,000 angels who fought a battle for the Israelites.
I am sorry for the less than satisfactory narration. It is the best I can do in a state of shock!

7 Angels

"And is there care in Heaven? and is there love
In heavenly spirits to these creatures base,
that may compassion of their evils move?
there is:- else much more wretched were the case
Of men than beasts: but O! th'exceeding grace
Of highest God, that loves His creatures so,
and all His works with mercy doth embrace,
that blessed angels he sends to and fro,
to serve to wicked man, to serve his foe!
How oft do they their silver bowers leave
To come to succour us that succour want!
How oft do they with golden pinions cleave
the flitting skies, like flying pursuivant,
against foul fiends to aid us militants!
they for us fight, they watch and duly ward,
and their bright squadrons round about us plant;
and all for love and nothing for reward:
O, why should heavenly God to men have such regard?"
Edmund Spencer The Ministry of angels"